Sunday, January 30, 2011

Theme Song!

For my Birthday I received a donation made in my honor to Parade of One.  As thanks for this donation a Birthday Ballad was written and preformed for me by Jeremy Danneman from Parade of One. 

It is pretty awesome to have a song written for me.  I need to find a way to make my new theme song play when I enter a room. 

Parade of One is an organization the engages post-conflict societies with street performance. 
Their website is

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter

I started rereading the Harry Potter books after seeing the latest movie,  it was meant to be a Christmas time thing but has expanded much longer.  It is a nice thing to be inside reading when there is so much snow on the ground. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Shake Shack and Shakespeare

Shack Attack (cheese burger plus mushroom on bun) and Vanilla milkshake. 

Followed by Cymbeline at the New Victory Theater.  It was very good - funny, well acted and the music was great.  It is a lesser known Shakespeare and I did not know the story going in.  I enjoyed this bit from the playbill that sums it up well.  

"The last scene in Cymbeline has seventeen anagnories: discoveries not known before.  Shakespeare obviously delighted in this but it's a beast to stage." - Peter Hall 1988

New York Times Review

Another Day of Snow

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Got a Pizza Party!

Ben made me a pizza party for my birthday.  Different pizzas, chocolate cake and ice cream.  It was awesome!